Stellaris achieve war goals. How to "Achieve War Goals" (or, at least, functionally do the same)? : r/Stellaris • by LeftRat Shared Burdens How to "Achieve War Goals" (or, at least, functionally do the. Stellaris achieve war goals

How to "Achieve War Goals" (or, at least, functionally do the same)? : r/Stellaris • by LeftRat Shared Burdens How to "Achieve War Goals" (or, at least, functionally do theStellaris achieve war goals  I can't find anywhere to view and edit my war goals

I can't force the war goal, because even if i have occupied all systems and took his planet, In my current Stellaris save two systems rebelled from their owners and decided to go to war with them. About to start my first war and trying to understand the concept. I declared war on an empire and their allies and I've conquered all their systems, occupied all. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the 4X grand strategy game Stellaris by Paradox Development Studio. How to "Achieve War Goals" (or, at least, functionally do the same)? : r/Stellaris • by LeftRat Shared Burdens How to "Achieve War Goals" (or, at least, functionally do the. Reset. Now I'm trying to finally push the last of the nazi bigots out of my area with the help of my federation but they're currently. Jan 31, 2013 103 97. ago. Containment (End Threat) and Purification (Cleansing) are such a pair. You can add goals up to your warscore (and at times even over your war score) and they will accept. I recall a message saying I had not set my war goals and I opened that scree selecting Vasselize for 60% war score IIRC. Vassalization War Goal unobtainable. 11. Did notice during a war their main planet was still cranking out ships so I had to keep a fleet over them. When you declare war in Stellaris, you have to state what your aims are; what the war is actually about. *These are nicknamed "Total War" wargoals after the Colossus; which gives a similar style wargoal to any empire in the mid-late game. But I cannot press the claims as "Achieve war goals" button has negative rating due to "demanding unoccupied planets" and "demanding unoccupied systems". It worked in every other game, but not this time. It might be that certain War Goals are restricted (maybe there is a type of war goal that only militarists get, for example, or a war goal unlocked through technology). Crusades for spiritualists seems a pretty easy and obvious feature. ”. After invading every planet and capturing all their systems the war ends with status quo. The tooltip tells you what systems will change hands if you go with a Status. how can i be losing?! will they surrender eventually? or did i miss something?The game explicitly says that ending a war with a status quo will result in a white peace, with no border adjustments. 412K subscribers in the Stellaris community. I am waging a war for claims as my. But if your goal is humiliation,. ) You should be able to declare victory. 2 update. War is a big part of stellaris and I would very much like to see it get some attention. In my opinion this is better than Achieve War Goals because the new nation created will mirror your ethics. You can hover over the acceptance(-27) of the Achieve war goals to see which objectives of the war you haven’t yet completed. r/Stellaris. war_exhaustion = <float> – War Exhaustion generated during this war is multiplied by this value. But honestly for anything other than Seize the Galatron, you’d end up basically doing an all-out war due to how war exhaustion is handled in the current version. Now I'm trying to finally push the last of the nazi bigots out of my area with the help of my federation but they're currently. Hover over the "achieve war goals" button to see what affects it. You own those systems now, you don't occupy them. ago. Well, now the tides have turned and I am ready to launch my war for independence. This becomes even more broken and OP when allies are in the war with you, as it results in allowing you to take sometimes 2x more than just pushing your claims in Achieve War Goals option. then its like -100 warscore to win the war, and -100 for vassel/tribute demand, and w/e else relative power modifiers there are. Just like most strategy games work. g. Total War only ends with a Status Quo (Achieve War Goal will have the winner completely absorb the loser, and the AI will never accept it). That's unrelated - you're describing a situation that involves multiple nations who are fighting on the same side in a single war. ThePromethian. I was playing a Payback empire the other day, Fanatic Militarist/Distinguished Admiralty etc etc, I finally got into a big war with MSI and despite massively outperforming them (I think 7 years into the war I had lost a total of 3 ships and I occupied multiple of their planets while having lost. The status quo peace is like a compromise if u own a claimed system when a status quo happens you get said system and vice versa , u don’t usually need to bomb planets you just need to make a bigger army to take them, the status quo can be forced on you 2 years after you hit 100% war exhaustion and vice versa, in order to achieve your wargoal u need to. Unfortunately yes. What does the "Achieve War Goals" button say in the war status window? If you can meet all of the negative conditions (claim all territory, etc. Hopefully having 2x or 3x the required warscore for 100% will allow me to conclude these wars the way I'd. Must have fat fingered it. (In case you're. In this case, you're in a Total War. The thing with winning wars is what happens after depends on the war goal. War is almost inevitable in Stellaris . I control 5 habitats and the shipyard, but because I don’t control everything I get a penalty when trying to achieve war goals. The AI is stupid and allowing them to declare the war is a big fail. i tried sending "achieve war goals" but they refused and said im losing the war!!! i ocupy all my systems and thiers too. I've pretty much wiped out 80% of my enemy's fleets, captured the majority of systems and planets, and is constantly staying at zero, literally not going higher. The only systems I have claims on are occupied, as are the planets in them. fmalfeas Mar 21, 2022 @ 9:17pm. I go to war, and I have to occupy every sector they own, and every planet they own, kill every fleet they have, then wait for war exhaustion to let me status quo. Maybe if an empire holds above a certain war score for a certain number of years they win by default without having to achieve their stated war goals. A Weapon of Mass. However the second war against a different neighbour is stuck at -5 warscore. Occupied system doesn't meant you will get it after the war ends. If you occupy a planet, then it is yours until enemy retake s it. You will be presented with many options as demands, and “Vassalize” is one of the options. In Stellaris there is a warscore system. so I have achieved all my war goals the enemy have nothing, all systems occupied by me war exhaustion is 20% 40% and rising like 1% per year nothing else happens, at this rate it will take another 60 years before this AI "morons" finaly surrender so wtf is going on there? any way to make them give up? btw achieve war goals is -198 and status quo at +87. but I have over a dozen planets in that. You just have to check claims on the map. #10. pipo. This is accomplished in a variety. 60 results. When I hover over the Achieve War Goals acceptance in the war UI it states "Humiliate Wargoal -25". Basically, a status quo says that if. r/Stellaris. 4. why would they sue for a white peace when their war exhaustion is only at 45%? they will force surrender soon after they achieved the required war goals or peace out if the federation also hits 100% WE before they can. Words. xenoscumyomom • 2 yr. ago. 1 Answer. In a subjugation war, if you manage to get the enemy to surrender, their entire empire will become your vassal. 4. r/Stellaris. Declare war on his vassal and as long as his overlord comes to new war and becomes war leader this exploit is valid. I am totally crushing them. 5 What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? Synthetic Dawn, Utopia, Leviathans Story Pack, Apocalypse, Megacorp, Distant Stars, Ancient Relics, Federations, Nemesis, Aquatics Do you have mods enabled? Yes Please explain your issue is in as. If you war goal is something like subjugation, you'll need 200 points to get them to surrender (-100 base, -100 for subjugation war goal). i didnt think of it at the time so that is the answer but is there an easier way, like a list some where? When you look at the war screen, in the lower left you'll a button that says something like "achieve war goals" or "enforce war goals". They won't accept defeat when I offer them the achieve war goals option, because I've claimed every system in their empire and it reduces their acceptability to -307. I'm new to Stellaris and in my 2nd campaign. Status Quo and Achieve War goals; if you can ever get that; all result in them keeping their capital. Usually this shouldn’t take long when “achieve war goal” is already available, but sometimes the AI can be extremely stubborn. enemy is at 100% war attrition. A Status Quo truce on the other hand, rather than a full surrender, is a sort of compromise. I though having a colossus and cracking a few planets would help, however, that just increases the war exhaustion. Step 6: crash your economy because you choose a conquer war goal insteed vassalizing and enjoy micro manging all. Easy solution is blow up a few planets ai generally surrender after some time. Winning a war outright is meant to be difficult unless you have truly overwhelming power. He also had. Since my war score was ~40% I have had a -10 score on the "impose ideology" "achieve war goals" button and that has not moved despite several more. 5][a361] Literally unplayable bug. i didnt think of it at the time so that is the answer but is there an easier way, like a list some where?When you look at the war screen, in the lower left you'll a button that says something like "achieve war goals" or "enforce war goals". That will list "unoccupied claims" that you assert a right to claim. If you fail to achieve the war goal within a certain amount of time the ticking war score will begin to tick in the defender's favor. Essentially, it's a way to end a war or conflict with a particular nation in the game, without having to achieve the. Which makes no sense. I'm occupying more territory than I had claims for meaning I occupy every planet I claimed and then some more. This works for newly liberated systems when "carving up" enemy nations. The first war, I was stuck at -10 warscore to achieve war goals, at the time I thought this was due me not inflicting damage to the ally of the enemy. If you click on the war progress icon at the bottom then you can set war goals if it is still early on in the war. It will change from white peace to your victory. Title really. The Negotiate UI is. im on 53%. Douglasjm • 1 yr. im on 53%. Prefacing by saying that I've been tryna play as a peaceful, xenophilic species of gay frogs. vassailize war goal -100. It doesn’t make sense from a lore perspective or a gameplay perspective to not just give me the vassal after I achieve such a. Reply reply. I have 16 robot troops landed on their homeworld currently and still 0% occupation. assimilators have a total war casus belli and other empires get a containment/end threat one against you. It's also important to note that even with other war goals, claimed systems that are fully occupied do still change ownership. This is hard to do without conquering every bit of the enemy space. ago. End Threat Nemesis. 3 (9d15) What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? All as of 21-5-2022 Do you have. HoI4's war goal system would probably be the best fit and it is the one I liked the most, yet. I had claims on about a third of a neighbors systems and then declared a subjegation war. Status quo and only status quo takes into account current occupation of systems between combatants, and both of their war goals. Peace out via status quo and prepare for the next attack in 10 years. I've pretty much wiped out 80% of my enemy's fleets, captured the majority of systems and planets, and is constantly staying at zero, literally not going higher. The federation easily has 80 worlds, So I have to conquer them 10 times!!! to eventually annex them. i tried sending "achieve war goals" but they refused and said im losing the war!!! i ocupy all my systems and thiers too. 4. The "Vassalize" War Goal and You: A Lesson learned the strange way. No Claims required/used. Prefacing by saying that I've been tryna play as a peaceful, xenophilic species of gay frogs. OK. Gaining independence. Hell, capital planets alone are normally worth 66points at the start of the game. So, yeah this happened. I started a secret fealty war to “check” an empire trying to take over the galaxy and it turned into 4v5 royale. In case you're not sure what I mean by "normal" war goals, there are several special war goals that result in what Stellaris calls a "total war". There is actually something to be said for paying attention to the game giving you a red warning flag. War is ineveitable. Should be able to negotiate peace separately. A mouse over of the "Achieve War Goals" button would be very helpful in a situation like this. Once again, every planet and system is occupied by me. The solution is simple- be the war leader and always be waging wars as the war leader. Free Download Stellaris: Galaxy Edition PC Game - Explore a vast galaxy full of wonder!. Land warfare. . Views: 164,800. E Ceding Planets A and B) and by using the definition you would get warscore per month. If your occupation is only at 50 due to them having a similarly sized ally you are already looking at 199 points you could have at most, which is just below what you need. Can't achieve war goals. On the war progress menu where you can see who is winning/losing and the war exhaustion. choppo Jan 25, 2022 @ 3:47am. how can i be losing?! will they surrender eventually? or did i miss something?Fuck all. Also note: All branch offices on planets whose owners have a commercial pact or federation with victor are transferred to the victor. A complete and up-to-date searchable list of all Stellaris war goal IDs. Total…Novel War Goals - New war goals for Stellaris. In a stellaris multiplayer game yesterday we declared someone a crisis by the galactic council. To avoid that you need to win the war before that happens to you, by bringing their surrender acceptance to a level where they will surrender. No influence gain, or penalty. To hit the "Achieve War Goal" option, you must conquer all the enemy planets or star systems and destroy all their fleets and keep them from being able to build more by bringing all their starbases under your control. Since in Stellaris, you can only ask for items in your wargoals set at the start of the war, you will not be able to take and keep planets from his allies (unless they were part of your wargoals). A fix would be to let you pick new war goals when you kick someone out from the war, but that would be highly exploitable. The wiki says -50 surrender acceptance. The uprosen empire, being just 2 systems with 3 colonies, will not let me conquer them, despite being in a Conquer war (yes, this is the second war because I crushed them in the first war but didn't let me conquer their systems), having. Subjugation is about being nice now, so its bad for belligerent empires. A Weapon of. While you could try to wait for the other. It only starts to matter if you're the attacker, both sides get to 100% and you haven't achieved all your goals yet. #5. If an empire has no allies and you take control of all your claims which also happens to be the entirety of their empire the war ends. Claims are independent of war reasons. This works for newly liberated systems when "carving up" enemy nations. I have 95% occupations (can’t reach the other 5%) 100% war exhaustion and a 50 point modifier for a stronger navy. Additional comment actions. It's listed as a defensive war (Desperate Measures edict works) and my federation's war goal seems to be vassilisation. First time facing endgame crisis. 6. X being the Empire ID of the empire you want to takeover to either force a surrender or status quo. . 3 (9d15) What version do you use? Steam What expansions do you have installed? Do you have mods enabled? No Please explain your. #1. KompactKing • 1 yr. Not only that, but I've taken out my opponent's fleets, construction ships and science vessels. So I just had my first war, and I'm a bit confused. There is actually something to be said for paying attention to the game giving you a red warning flag. Originally posted by Darksynapse: Every war I get into ends in a "white peace". I conqueed most of my enemy's teritory but the war goal has't moved very much , any adive on how to complete the war goal ? 1. - In the war resolution, in the new tooltip for the unoccupied claims (thanks devs for that), it is counted as unoccupied claim, giving 150 points penalty to the "Achieve war goals" outcome - The system in question is called "Reach" Steps to. "The Great Irassian Conflict" is probably conquest or animosity. I got that event where nationalists in my empire are edging for a war but I didn't need more territories but I don't mind waging a war of humiliation against my opponent. Phase one is declaration and setting war goals (Casus Belli). I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this but the war goals don't work really. The enemy then chooses their war goal after war is declared. Is there actually a way to achieve war goals if your goal is to vassalize an empire? I was in a war with an empire much weaker than mine (probably as a result of two previous wars) and after a 9 year war I was occupying ALL. I already have 1 willing subject. 4. Jul 5, 2022 @ 6:12pm. Show command help. Occupying other systems does not mean you get them at war’s end, although they do increase your warscore. Fast forward the federation has been at 100% war exhaustion for a long time (it's currently 2480 and the war started in 2436). • 10 mo. About to start my first war and trying to understand the concept. Achieve War Goals : r/StellarisOnConsole. You need to have a total war war goal. A warfare guide for Stellaris can be summarized very succinctly in the following way; to fight. superiority of claim should be a score based system which gives more points to who took it and even more who. R5: Commonwealth of Man is my neighbor and was formerly in a Defensive Pact with my Empire. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the 4X grand strategy game Stellaris by…Related Topics. . How can I stall for time during a war, to maximize my chances of claiming enemy systems before the war fatigue clock runs out? Does continuing to insult them make them less or more likely to capitulate automatically? I thought for sure there was an edict or ascension perk that would affect this, but I can't find it. So if this is a war of conquest all it means is you haven't conquered every system you've put a claim on yet but they're willing to cede control of the claimed systems you. Add a Comment. However you’ve found yourself in a war, your Empire's ultimate goal is not only to survive but also to thrive in the galaxy. I got into the war because im the galactic emperor, but after I sent some ships and destroyed ther fleet and invaded their planets I checked our war status and it seems that my ally cannot achieve war goals. By occupying more stuff, and primarily your actual goals. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit In the Top 1% of largest communities on RedditEtch your name across the cosmos by forging a galactic empire; colonizing remote planets and integrating alien civilizations. If you go domination tree, you can demand vassalization (even with an X) and then force it. Do you have to achieve all your war goals to declare peace. It's an improvement to EUIV's and also more aligned to future warfare than either EUIV, CK2 or the current Stellaris system. Fluffy-Tanuki. Achieve War Goals -2100 lol. Reply reply C0mrade_Ferret • You can now mouse over the "achieve war goals" button in the war screen to see what systems and planets you're missing. But I can't select the option. Quick answer: no. Call it something else but this is what I'm talking about. i tried sending "achieve war goals" but they refused and said im losing the war!!! i ocupy all my systems and thiers too. Can you take a screenshot while hovering over achieve war goals?. i'm not sure if other war types can be used on them. Depends on the war goal. Stellaris. Make sure you are clicking on your war goals in the make peace screen. I'm currently in a war of Vassalization vs an empire. Why. For example, I just. A complete and up-to-date searchable list of all Stellaris war goal IDs. If you hover your mouse over the red X in the achieve war goals box it will tell you the modifiers for surrender. May 19, 2016. 99. I don't really understand why people keep saying that. a neighboring empire declared war on me, I selected Bring into the Fold as my wargoal even though I just wanted 3 systems and knew I probably wouldn't actually achieve the war goal cause i didnt feel like slogging through all their systems (plus they were at war with someone else, might screw with the Acceptance. The number that appears next to it is the number to care about, and if you hover over it, it'll show you what you still have to overcome in order to win the war. . Hi guys. Yes. An enemy empire managed to capture some backwater colony with 3 pops, and THEIR occupied percentage went up 12%. End Threat CB works the same as a total war cb, which means that with this goal when you take a system, you will notice that the borders change to you owning it straight away instead of border changes occuring after peace is made. wpflug13. (which is not part of the war) Now I'm stuck in a war with a 100% score and a war goal I can't. wpflug13. Reply reply CMDR-Onipherous • Total annihilation is the only way to defeat an enemy. Decleared war on an empire to make them my tributary. The way wars work in Stellaris, it's literally impossible to ever win a truly defensive war. -must be superior in relative power. The net Acceptance is -78. My side is winning a war, but half of my systems are occupied because I was fighting on two fronts. I ask them, they say no and i start the war with the goal of vassalization. To achieve the proper warscore to get these planets I have to conquer about 40-80% of the ENTIRE federation. If your war goal is to capture the enemy's systems then status quo is pretty similar, yes, but there are plenty of other war goals you might have--e. It is compatible with all other mods as it only adds new files. The final phase is conflict resolution, where victors claim their spoils and losers leave defeated. Your opponent has a certain negative modifier to his willingness to surrender. Just wondering if I should list every option such as vassalize,. #10. Having unoccupied claims gives you -10 for each system and -100 for each colony. 90%+ of my time in Stellaris was with the old war score system. Report. 0 unless otherwise noted. To achieve war goals, you generally need to occupy every star and planet on the enemy's team. The attacker does not get ticking warscore at all, space battles outweigh planetary occupations (sucks if you can only get one spacebattle out of your enemy), the capitol is just another. The effect that has varies based on your war goals. Now I'm trying to finally push the last of the ♥♥♥♥ bigots out of my area with the help of my federation but they're currently. The war exhaustion in this game does not work well. That hasn't worked too well so far considering that I've already eaten two empires for breakfast and indirectly caused the death of another one. You don't have anything occupied. Even in Status Quo, you usually get to keep systems you Claim if you fully occupy them (station + all inhabited planets successfully invaded). Status quo and only status quo takes into account current occupation of systems between combatants, and both of their war goals. DLC. War goals differ depending in the goal set forth. The planets is a big one, that means. The diplomatic choice when communicating with an empire just brings up the war status screen which gives you the 3 buttons for surrender, white peace and enforce demands. r/Stellaris. I started agressive war against an opponent who had defensive pact with his neighbor. #1. their planets, shattered all their fleets, and yet I can't claim my war goal. 4. ago. ago. 631. -----An example is my current 3. The other fix would be to have the war end as soon as you peace out X, but that would go against Paradox's design decision for alliances in Stellaris. Your starting empire ID is always 0, so this would cause empire with ID 9 to declare war on your empire. Warscore in Stellaris is currently fucked. You can't. Great job ruining a great game, im ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ done. You just have to check claims on the map. If you click on the war progress icon at the bottom then you can set war goals if it is still early on in the war. MJim. Destroying as much of their fleet (s) as possible, to make them weaker the next time you attack (presuming you will) You can make claims on systems during a war, but they charge you more Influence to do it. Quick Overview The war command in Stellaris is used to simulate a war declaration between two countries involved in the game. If the system is not FULLY conquered I don’t believe it would flip. 0 game. it works both ways though, so if he takes your systems he will keep them after status quo. That hasn't worked too well so far considering that I've already eaten two empires for breakfast and indirectly caused the death of another one. I got into the war because im the galactic emperor, but after I sent some ships and destroyed ther fleet and invaded their planets I checked our war status and it seems that my ally cannot achieve war goals. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. They have 2 planets left and I'm occupying both of them. Stellaris is not well-suited for the technology and economic victories we see in other games, and the diplomatic victory conditions in most 4Xs are dumb, with Civ being an exception. Subjugate them as a vassal, probably requiring you to successfully invade every planet to win subjugation. When I simultaneously declared war on the entire galaxy there was less of a problem and most surrendered immediately after being defeated. If there's a system listed in the victory tooltip that's not. If the war caused you to lose your commercial pact with their ally, you may very well have started a. #1. ago. Best. I killed about half his population, destroyed his fleet, took all his systems and I haven't archieved my war goal? WTF HOW IS THAT A. Stellaris has a lot of fun, challenging, annoying, and luck based achievements. The End Threat war is a Total War (all purifier style empires only fight Total Wars). You’d need to crush their navy, their allies’ navies, their vassals’ navies if any; take over most if not all the. Is there any way to achieve victory in spite of this, or is this all a lost cause?Ran into a issue with Stellaris, declared war on a neighboring rival, my federation and i made quick work of their empire, smashed all their fleets, occupied every single world under their command, every system captured for the glory of the Uruk. Stellaris Gemini-Razor1911. Phase one is declaration and setting war goals (Casus Belli). In total war anything you lose, or take will be instantly lost, or taken. Goal of the war is to impose values. Report. Decided to declare on them as they are occupied with another war with the Gellindi Council (those purple fucks on the left), but I have no options for War Goal. r/Stellaris. The game let me choose hostile takeover, so I assumed I would be able to achieve my war goals. com Originally posted by Darksynapse: Every war I get into ends in a "white peace". The cleansing war goal is coincidental and has nothing to do with it. There is no reason for a faction with every Starbase captured to be forced to stay in a 50. If you can't even force a white flag, you haven't "clearly won". However, you don't need to do achieve war goals for claims. I have an Empire listed as inferior that has kind of cut off my expansion. There are two ways to end a war. You can see it on the Twitch stream here. Maybe if an empire holds above a certain war score for a certain number of years they win by default without having to achieve their stated war goals. When an AI empire is about to declare war it. #11. . My guess is you've not conquered any of their planets, and so there is a "demanding unclaimed territory" modifier. dannypockets Jul 13, 2018 @ 9:46pm. im on 53%. So my ally declares a status quo peace, and doubles his territory, but I lose the entirety of. 3. Now I've come to my second game and. A war of ideology works similarly, where if you achieve wargoals, their whole empire shifts to your ethics, but if not any fully occupied systems that are not claimed become an empire with your ethics. If you win the war, you can only get whatever systems you set as your goals. Featuring deep strategic gameplay, a rich and enormously diverse selection of alien. The usual way you force somebody to share their tech is by blowing up their stuff and researching the debris, but getting some kind of forced way to either contribute research points directly or enter a research agreement is interesting too (also, there's the perk. I declared war against an empire without realising that it was a vassal of an empire that was "overwhelming" in economy, military and technology and got absolutely destroyed, after which point I wound up being a protectorate of them because I was surrounded by hostile empires on all sides except for the the overwhelmingly powerful one and needed to if I. That hasn't worked too well so far considering that I've already eaten two empires for breakfast and indirectly caused the death of another one. l_x_fx. I searched that screen like a dozen times before spotting the tiny yellow text above the 'surrender' and 'achieve war goals' button. Edit; sorry, this wasn't supposed to be a new post on this question but a response to OPs response. I fought a machine uprising, which is a total war (for those who do not know, total war means if you fully occupy a system it instantly transfers to your ownership) and an AI landed troops on the planet, and I landed my troops as well, and they got the planet. Big buff for Megacorps. It says demanding unoccupied systems and planets but its a secret fealty war over vassals so I am not. no, the game says the war will end and any conqured systems will transfer. fmalfeas Mar 21, 2022 @ 9:17pm. Using the conquer war goal only gives the systems your or your allies claimed. Fast forward the federation has been at 100% war exhaustion for a long time (it's currently 2480 and the war started in 2436). I have bombarded every planet, and captured the capital and the main colonies. Prefacing by saying that I've been tryna play as a peaceful, xenophilic species of gay frogs. Considering the fact that my border's getting adjusted (to put it one way), I'm still not convinced this isn't a glitch. i tried sending "achieve war goals" but they refused and said im losing the war!!! i ocupy all my systems and thiers too. To vassalize your enemy, you must win the war outright by getting them to surrender. FYI you can take advantage on their automatic acceptance of status quo on their critical systems if they have 100% war exhaustion. That hasn't worked too well so far considering that I've already eaten two empires for breakfast and indirectly caused the death of another one. • 10 mo. The left part of the war screen is you and your allies. If it is conquest, then you get all claimed systems even if you don't occupy all of what you claimed. About to start my first war and trying to understand the concept. In just one year, that's 3600 minerals conserved. I can never get enough points to achive my war goals. That bug seems to have been reported before, hence the reason your other 100% exhaustion war can't achieve war goals, while the orbital rings in your big war, seem to be working correctly. And let factions peace out individually. Becoming Custodian and removing the term limit is great, the GDF is great. Add a Comment. The ai can embrace factions and become something else but I. In real life, if one nation declares war on another with the express intent to conquer, sends their troops, and then signs a peace treaty and withdraws 10 years later, having suffered devastating casualties and taking no territory, almost everyone would. How do I achieve war goals . I would say it sticks. Warscore is the mechanic used by the game engine to set victory conditions. surrender_acceptance = <int> – Determines AI surrender acceptance.